Commercial Storage

It doesn’t seem to matter whether your commercial business is small or large, there’s one challenge that remains the same, no matter the size of your business: ample space. What do you do with all of your stuff? Well, Henlopen Storage has the solution to your commercial storage problems.

Office Storage

We get it -- the IRS makes you keep your records seven years, sometimes longer. If you work in a medical office, you need to keep records of current and former patients for up to ten years. So, as a good business person, you keep your canceled checks, deposit slips, invoices, sales records, W-2’s, 1099’s, and all other important documents for your records.

But, going through those old, outdated records is such a hassle when you try to find current ones. And who wants to bash into a fellow co-worker while trying to find the record you need? If you don’t own a litany of filing cabinets, do you really want to open a closet and have five years’ worth of receipts fall around you like confetti? That’s when you need to see about commercial storage to keep those records in a safe -- and easily accessible -- place.

What if your business has closed? Do you still have to keep all of those documents? Unfortunately, yes, for at least six years. Who wants to sit around and look at those records of your former business? There’s an easy solution -- commercial storage. You can keep the records as long as you need while making sure your living space doesn’t become a cluttered mausoleum of the business you used to own.

What if business is booming? Commercial storage is a perfectly safe place to start storing your records. It’s a wise idea to hang onto your records from the beginning of your business so that you can chart your growth, make improvements to your business, and keep those all-important tax return records.

Product Storage

Suppose you start a small business selling crafts on Etsy, Pinterest, Instagram, or from your own website, all in the comfort of your own home. Things look great and you’re really taking off. However, you have grown to the point that your merchandise is taking up more space than you are. You think your spouse is somewhere in the house, but you can’t be sure, for all of the items taking up space. You can’t even binge your favorite Netflix show anymore because your goods now take up more space on the couch than your dog does!

There’s a solution to that problem: commercial storage.

With storage units up to 10 x 42, it’s like having your very own warehouse to store your items. The best part is, we have drive up access to all of our units, so you can just back your car or truck directly into your commercial storage container. It’s the ultimate way to keep your belongings safe from rainy weather and saving your back from carrying everything a few extra steps. Leasing commercial storage space can provide secure and easy access to your inventory when you are ready for your next shipment.

Contractor Storage

If you’ve bought five of the same tool, because you can’t find any of them in your vehicle or garage, there may be an issue. Or, suppose you left your construction equipment at the job-site, but it got stolen or vandalized when you weren’t on the job-site? Or, the weatherman got the forecast wrong again, so you left your equipment on-site. To your dismay, it rained and ruined your tools. With affordable commercial storage that doesn't have to happen again.

Henlopen Storage in Lewes, Delaware, is the safe alternative to storing your tools in the off-season or near a job-site in season. If you want the most flexible commercial self-storage provider in Rehoboth and Lewes, look no further. We even have a place for you to store contractor trailers. Your trailer does have to be well-maintained, and less than ten years old. You’ll find storage modifications to meet your specific needs.

Seasonal Storage

Ample space is key when it comes to your business. And everyone loves to decorate for the various seasons. But, if space is cramped, where do you put it all? You could always leave out the Christmas tree, and celebrate “New Valentine-Saint-Easter-De Mayo- 4th of Hallow-Giving” all year round.

Or, you could always opt for something better -- commercial storage. With spaces as small as 5’ x 10’ you don’t have to worry about mixing up the seasons in cramped spaces anymore. You can affordably clear up space in your office for more important things.

From flags to hearts, to a whole “Hallelujah Chorus” of Christmas decorations, We are your place to store all of your seasonal items.

Special Event Storage

Special events are exactly that -- special. You don’t want your kids to get bored and draw mustaches on all of your campaign signs that you spent your hard-earned money on. You don’t want to recreate the musical “Cats” in your garage, because there’s no place else to store your theatrical equipment.

If you’re in a band and have a product to sell at concerts and other venues, do you really want to use boxes of t-shirts, CDs, posters, and more as a coffee table? You could spill your drink and ruin everything while cheering on your favorite team. Or do you want the family pet to use your items as bedding to have their babies? Of course not!

Commercial storage is the way to go. You’ll be able to keep your items especially safe for your next event. We are safe, affordable and easily accessible, 365 days a year.

Why choose Henlopen Storage?

Besides ample space, we provide secure commercial storage thanks to our state of the art security systems. We have a computerized gate access (only paid tenants can gain access), digital video surveillance, individual door alarms, ample lighting, and a high-security cylinder locking system. We use a cylinder locking system that sits flush against the doors to prevent cutting, breaking, or forced entry. We know how important your ride is to you. That's why we take the security of your business seriously.

When you use Henlopen Storage, we do everything we can to make sure your experience is as convenient as possible. We dedicate ourselves to providing the highest standards of cleanliness, security, efficiency, integrity, and customer service. We offer many convenient payment options, including:

  • Online Payments
  • Automated Credit Card Payments
  • Automated Checking Account Withdrawals
  • Check or Money Order in the Mail or our Secure Drop Box
  • Cash During Business Hours
  • And Incentives for Pre-Payments of 6 and 12 Months

Click here to access online payments

Contact Henlopen Storage for all of your Delaware storage needs today.

Henlopen Storage's easily accessible location is perfect for residents of Lewes, Nassau, Rehoboth Beach, Milton, Harbeson, Georgetown, Milford, Dewey Beach, Slaughter Beach, Millsboro, Long Neck, Angola, Oak Orchard, Indian River Inlet, Coastal Delaware and all of Sussex County / Lower DE.