Our Local Lewes Self Storage Location

From 5-points (Intersection of Rt.1 & Rt. 9): Head North on Route 1, go through the flashing light at the Catholic Church, be in the left hand lane, go under the sign that says "Fire Signal - Stop When Flashing" and turn Left at the base of Nassau Bridge. There will be a Southern States dealer with trailers and small tractors on the corner. Bear right onto Janice Road, past Lewes Fire Station #2, and we are right next door.

From Route 1 North of Lewes: Head South on Route 1, Go over Nassau Bridge (overpass) as you go over, look off to your right and you will see our site. At the bottom of the bridge, take a sharp right onto Janice Road. There will be a Southern States dealer on the corner. You will pass Lewes Fire Station #2, and we are right next door.

If you're having a hard time finding us, please contact the Henlopen Storage office now.